

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Duffy's Corazon Del Ecuador - Fine Dark Chocolate 72%

This bar of chocolate has been hiding in the back of my draw for three or four weeks so as I thought it would be good to review this bar today as I have a back log of chocolate to review. I like chocolate back logs!

For those of you who have not read my blog before Duffy is one of only three people who produce chocolate from bean to bar in the UK. So these bars are particularly special.

Packaging: As with the Milk bar I recently tasted their is a beautiful picture of the Andes mountains (I assume they're the Andes?). This really gets me in the mood for tasting as it reminds you how far these beans have come. Many of us probably take this fact for granted but we have to remember how these beans reached the shores of the UK. On this subject Duffy is hoping to give back some of his profits to help cocoa farmers in Ecuador sometime in the future. Ingredients are listed on the back and include Cocoa beans, organic sugar and cocoa butter.

The Chocolate: This particular dark chocolate is 72% and is produced from single origin Ecuadorian Calceta beans. In terms of flavours this bar is described as having deep, warm flavours with hints of citrus, soft fruit and bananas. Having carefully removed the gold foil the smell which emanates is delicious. If only I could survive on smelling chocolate! This is a good start and it just keeps getting better. The chocolate is bright and has a shiny glow about it which is so enticing. Rich cocoa with a hint of sweetness hits the nose. The snap is crisp and sharp. The mouth feel is fantastic and the cool chocolate takes a little time to melt. I'm trying to pick up the citrus flavours but I'm getting fruit...oh hold on now I'm getting the citrus! My palate is a bit dry almost chalky but maybe this is because I've eaten 6 squares already?

This a great bar of chocolate and I will not hesitate in recommending it to you even at £3.50 for 80g it is worth every penny. I'm going to have to give this bar a high 9/10 for just simply delicious chocolate.

If you want to buy this bar visit Duffy's online shop

You might also like to read other reviews of Duffy's chocolate:
Duffy's Star of Peru 70%
Duffy's Corazon Fine Milk

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