

Friday, 29 June 2012

Start your day with Monmouth Coffee!

Doh! Bankers you've done it again. Off to the naughty step with you! They lose all our money, ask for more, which they get.  They decide to sit on this huge pile of wonga and keep it all to themselves not one penny is given up to the struggling first time buyer or entrepreneur. God forbid!  Next, they work out some fantastic pay rise scheme for themselves, because if they don't get their bonus they'll be off to some tax haven or perhaps America. Well, America, you can have them!  Interest rate fixing is probably just the tip of the iceberg and what will happen to them......nothing. A few red faces in the boardroom and then back to thinking up new ways to swindle us! Daylight robbery...surely it's time to call in the Police? Ok rant over......I need coffee, well Monmouth coffee to be exact.

If you are looking for a place of refuge and a decent cup of coffee in London then why not visit Monmouth in Borough Market.  My picture is slightly deceptive as a few minutes after this picture was taken the queue was backing up to Neals Yard! 

The Monmouth Coffee company roast coffee sourced from single farms, estates and cooperatives. They travel extensively throughout the year, visiting the producers and cooperatives looking for new coffee varieties. Monmouth Coffee started roasting and retailing coffee in 1978 and have a large roasting house on Maltby Street, Bermondsey. Their coffee is sourced from a variety of countries including Costa Rica, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Guatemala.

There are plenty of enthusiastic staff on hand to assist, even at 8am they're cheerful while the rest of us are in duvet mode. Coffee experts are on hand if you're buying filter coffee for home use. The team are efficient, cheerful and fairly laid back, bohemian style characters with bushy beards, that's the men just in case you're wondering! 

One thing you can guarantee is that they will not ask for your name which made my day.  Starbucks, you've gotta give that idea up. Filter coffee is made to order using the cone system so 'fresh' coffee is guaranteed. Expertly made flat whites, cappuccinos and lattes also available from two beefy barista machines.

Customers are encouraged to share tables and you can enjoy a rustic baguette with self help butter and jam for £3.10 while checking your Facebook status. This system does rely on customer honesty but, there is only so much bread you can eat. Mountains of delicious croissants, danish pastries and chocolate brownies are also available from £2.30 each. My advice is to arrive early, enjoy a coffee and watch the world go by.

There should be a Monmouth on every street corner but I for one am glad they're not! I could have stayed their all day but decided on taking a trip to Leather Lane to enjoy some of the Street Food stalls but that's another story.


  1. Hello Christine,
    I found you through "Blogger" and happy I did. Looks like we have a lot in common, particularly afternoon tea!
    Great to meet you.

  2. Hi Di, Welcome to the World of Chocolate and Afternoon Teas! Many thanks for joining my blog.
