

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Lime and Chocolate Cheesecake

 You might want to take up running after eating this cheesecake, I'm sure it has enough calories to support Team GB for the remainder of the Olympics! But, before we get to the food lets talk about The Games. 

Nothing prepares you for the shocking, and almost claustrophobic impact on the senses when visiting the Olympic Park for the first time, it is truly awesome. I wonder how often that adjective has been used to describe London 2012?  

Over the past few days we've all seen it on TV. But nothing prepares you for the spectacle of a human tide wending its way through a miriad of pathways and venues.

Human Tide - London 2012

Everything has been well organised and rehearsed and I believe it was a good idea to close Westfield to shoppers. Sorry John Lewis but you need to stop whinging, I'm sure you're earning sufficient cash. The facilities are stretched to the max but if you time it correctly you can look forward to a reasonable meat pie and a not too loathsome cup of coffee.  Toilets are everywhere so those with weak bladders need not worry! The Gamesmakers are true heroes with their fantastic 'can do' attitude wishing you and everybody and I mean everybody a good night and safe journey home.  I'm sure if I'd asked nicely they'd have read me a bedtime story.  Ok, more about the games later.....

Lime, Lemon and Chocolate Cheesecake

This cheesecake recipe is so easy that even my husband can make it and that is saying a lot....sorry darling but its true!

Serves 12

Ingredients for base:

250g Milk chocolate biscuits
75g Butter

Ingredients for the cheesecake:

1 Kg Marscapone
100g Icing sugar sieved
2 Limes - juice and zest
1 Lemon - juice and zest
(More lemon, lime or icing sugar to taste)
To decorate - whipped cream and grated chocolate


  1. Lightly butter a 10" deep, springform tin.
  2. Place the biscuits in a bag and crush with a rolling pin.
  3. Melt the butter and quickly combine thoroughly with the biscuits.
  4. Press the mix into the base of the tin and smooth until even.
  5. Chill (not you!) the base in the fridge while you prepare the filling.
  6. Place the marscapone, icing sugar, grated lime/lemon zest and juice in a large bowl and beat thoroughly to combine. For best results use an electric mixer. You may like to add more lemon/lime or sugar at this point according to your own personal taste.
  7. Spread the mixture over the chilled biscuit base and smooth the top. Take a fork and mark lines across and diagonally over the surface to create a design.
  8. Cover with cling film and chill thoroughly. Minimum 6 hours, preferably over night.
  9. Remove cheesecake from the spring form tin using a sharp warm knife to losen the edges of the cheesecake first. Slide onto a flat serving dish using a palette knife to remove the base of the tin. Hopefully!
  10. Decorate with whirls of whipped cream and grated chocolate.


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