

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Framboise by Damyel

Not a brand name that I'm familiar with but Damyel is a Kosher Salon with several outlets throughout Paris.  Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to be in Paris at the time and I had to rely on the kindness of a fellow chocoholic to snap up a bar for me.  However, with the proviso that I left him a few morsels to taste. Sounds like a good deal to me. My O-Level French didn't set me up for translating web pages and before you ask I did try Google Translate but I couldn't cut and paste! So, I can't tell you too much about this company.

If you are fluent in French then visit their site by clicking on this link. Alternatively, follow this link to a blog called, French Kosher Cuisine. From what I can glean Damyel produce a wide range of chocolates including pralines, ganache filled chocolates, macaroons and 100g bars.  

There are eight different bars including almonds, coffee, orange, hazelnuts and raspberries. Essentially, kosher chocolate must be totally free of animal products. 

In terms of packaging the bar is very well presented as are the other products in their range. The bar is well made, divided up into ten equal sized rectangles for easy snapping! 

Available from Yarden £2.99
A 54% dark chocolate with a lovely raspberry aroma. The pink raspberry granules are certainly not as vibrant in the 'flesh' and appear washed out, unless they've use white raspberries!  Personally I'd like a bit more sharpness from a raspberry flavoured bar. 

This is a fairly agreeable bar of chocolate but me for it lacks umph and charisma.  Very well presented and put together but just missing a bit of extra flavour, 7/10. To buy this bar.......cross Le Channel.  No, I jest!  To buy this bar follow the link to Yarden, the home of fine kosher foods in the UK.

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