

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Summer Pudding in a Caravan

Yes, I know it is not a something to crow about but I did make this dish in a caravan! So, I was chuffed that it was a great success.

Ingredients - to fit 2 pt Pudding Bowl

2 lbs of mixed fruits including the following: (use more strawberries and raspberries)


If fresh fruits are not available then use mixed berries from the freezer section!

One large sliced white loaf (if possible use a loaf that is not mass produced and purchase it two days before you require it)

3-4 tbsp sugar (depends on your taste)


  • Prepare the fruits, remove strawberry hulls, currant stalks, etc. Cut large strawberries in half and place in a large saucepan with the sugar.
  • Place over a very low heat and allow the sugar to dissolve stirring very occasionally until the juices run.
  • Remove from the heat and place to one side.
  • Cut the crusts from the bread. Then trim the slices to line the bowl.

  • Drain some of the juice from the fruits and dip each piece of pre-cut bread into this before lining the bowl.

  • When the jigsaw is complete spoon the fruits into the bread lined bowl and cover with more cut and dipped bread. See pictures.

  • If any juices are left after dipping the bread then pour these over the finished pudding.
  • Lightly encase the whole bowl in cling film. Place a saucer on top and weigh down with a heavy object e.g. a large tin of beans!
  • Place in the fridge for several hours (preferably overnight)
  • To serve: loosen the pudding using a knife and turn into a deep dish, serve with any leftover fruits, fresh cream or Greek yoghurt.

Enjoy what is left of the summer!

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