

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Zotter - Tequila mit Salz und Zitrone

We went in search of the bearded lady, Conchita Wurst, and discovered that not all Austrian women/transvestites have similar decorative and distinguished jaw lines. 

Infact, Austria, as a nation seemed to be keeping their recent 'artistic' victory at this year's Eurovision very low key, underwraps and possibly slightly embarrassed. 

'Rise Like a Phoenix' was certainly not the tune of choice for die Menschen of Wien. Oh well, they have plenty to look forward to now they will be hosting next year's Eurovision Song Contest. Danke Conchita! 

Traditional Viennese folk are probably hoping it will all go away but I'm sure the marketing team at Zotter are already working on a suitable chocolate bar to celebrate the fact. Did you know that Zotter even has a Cemetery of Ideas where old varieties go to do whatever past favourites do and some are even exhumed and resurrected for a short while. 

Zotter wrappers never fail to disappoint with their imaginative designs that always manage to raise an eyebrow or smile.....If you're thinking about collecting, Zotter wrappers, might be the next big thing.

If you're a Zotter fan you'll not be surprised by the variety of chocolates that Zotter produce including this hand-scooped or 'handgeschopft' bar which contains nobel bitter chocolate (70% cocoa) filled with tequila ganache and lemon ganache. A surprising mix of organic and fairtrade products can be found on the ingredients list. 

Zotter Ganache Layer
The bitter chocolate, salt, tequila and lemon ganache work perfectly together. An absolute delight! There is just the right amount of 'salt and alcohol' to have the desired 'tequila' effect without making it overly caustic or alcoholic. 8/10. Priced at €3.35 70g.

Zotter fans will be able to find a huge selection of their favourite chocolate confection in Vienna's Naschmarkt located between the Linke and Rechte Wienzeile. Head to Bio Welt for a huge Zotter selection.  

Once you've secured your chocolate bars take a wander around this fascinating fruit and vegetable market with its interesting mix of expensive Viennese and slightly cheaper Turkish and Asian stalls. 
You'll also find stalls selling hand-crafted soaps, oils and clothing including a multitude of street-food vendors and restaurants to enjoy. 

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