

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

3 Bee Bar Set - Rococo

Well we have a hot little threesome to review today from Rococo. Included in the Rococo Bee Bar range is an Organic Dark Chilli Pepper, Organic Milk 37% Cocoa and Organic Dark Earl Grey Tea.

The Packaging: As always their packaging never seems to date and is always simple but effective. The three bars have been enclosed in a clear plastic box and tied off with a blue ribbon which looks very twee and will make a fantastic present for someone.

The Chocolates: 
Organic Dark Earl Grey Tea - I'm not a tea drinker so this is going to be interesting. There is a fantastic aroma coming from this bar and if you shut your eyes you can almost see 'the ladies' drinking their tea from fine bone china cups. It is a heavenly smell even for a non-tea drinker. The name Earl Grey was given to teas that contained oil or bergamot which is a citrus fruit. I really thought this chocolate was going to be offensive but it's got a great flavour and the tea works really well with the chocolate.
Organic Dark - Early Grey Tea
Organic Dark Chilli Pepper - I'm not sure if this bar has been packaged properly as it is minus the foil? Each of the other bars have been wrapped in foil. This has given the chocolate a strange 'paper' flavour which you can taste right through to the end. When you first smell this bar you immediately get a rich aroma of tobacco. It's really startling! The chilli heat is not overpowering and it certainly has a little kick!

Organic Dark - Chilli Pepper

Organic Milk 37% Cocoa - The aroma is not particularly strong but this is a rich, sweet, creamy velvety smooth chocolate. I've already finished half of the bar and for me it's all over too quickly. This particular chocolate is a blend of beans from the Grococo farm in Grenada.

Organic Milk - 37% Cocoa

I purchased this little gift pack the Rococo shop in Marylebone High Street for £4.95 which is reasonable considering they've done all the hard work for you, all you have to do is wrap it! Alternatively you can buy each bar for £1.25.

Overall I give this mini selection or Organic bars 7/10 for a quirky mix of flavours, excellent presentation and just good chocolate. The finish is not excellent as there are a few holes in some of the bars and the paper flavour from the Chilli bar was just strange?

To buy this chocolate gift pack click here

You might also like to read this review  Cardamom on Dark 

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