

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Thorntons Dark Chocolate with Ginger 61%

A glass of wine has just been offered. Whilst this is very tempting you can't drink white wine and taste chocolate at the same time. In fact there are not that many wines that go with chocolate. Perhaps somebody can tell me which wines are good for drinking with chocolate? However, I have to show my commitment to the job of blogging and tasting chocolate. The show must go on or something like that. Wine will just have to wait a few minutes longer.

Continuing with the Thorntons theme my next chocolate is a block of dark with ginger. The chocolate is from Togo officially the Togolese Republic a small country bordered by Ghana in West Africa. Apparently Togo is highly dependent on agriculture. Apologies about the continuity my previous bar from Thorntons was also a mango coloured package!

The Chocolate: According to Thorntons this chocolate has spicy natural hints of gingerbread. Well I'll have to take their word for it as I'm sure the ginger will mask the flavour of gingerbread. Doh! Chinese ginger has been used to add some fiery heat. Rest assured there is no real heat coming from the ginger just a pleasant aromatic flavour that permeates throughout the munching process. The chunks of crystallised ginger are soft and are well balanced with the dark chocolate. The ginger and earthy flavours of the chocolate don't fade quickly and you're left with a pleasant after taste making this bar very quaff-able a bit like my glass of wine which is waiting for me. 

This is a good bar of chocolate and I'd like to taste the Togo cocoa on its own to really appreciate it as the ginger does mask it. 

For me this bar of chocolate scores a high 7/10 for flavour and texture. At £1.89 from their retail shop at Liverpool Street station you can't go far wrong and it's excellent value for money and I will certainly be going back for more.

To buy this chocolate click here Thorntons.

More Thornton bars can be found here....

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