

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Dark Chocolate with Rose - Peru 64%

Dark chocolate with rose by Thorntons. I can't believe I'm going to eat this as it sounds a little suspect to me. It must be something to do with all that sun. I'm exhausted and my thighs are all of a quiver after a workout in the garden today. Sunburn bad. Shaking thighs good as it means muscles are toning up ready for my part in Baywatch. I live in hope! Thank god I'm sitting down for a while but I might not be able to walk properly for a week.

I did a quick search on Google and found several interesting 'rose' type chocolate bars and their's me thinking this flavour had gone out of fashion. Fortnum and Masons - Rose and Violet Dark Chocolate, that's why all those protesters were there, getting a fix of rose and violet.  Paul A Young has even produced a Rose and Violet bar, see the post by Chocolate Reviews. Rococo Chocolates even have one, Dark Chocolate Floral Bar with Rose, the packaging is spectacular. And not forgetting Amelia Rope's, Pale Rose Edition 01. Are these bars really that popular though? I can feel a comparison coming on!

Apparently Rose oil has numerous health benefits and allegedly it will boost self esteem, hope and mental strength efficiently fighting depression. As you can see this is a limited edition bar celebrating 100 years of making chocolate. Thorntons are bringing back British flavours and rose is their first one. The culinary use of flowers in cooking dates back thousands of years and the Romans used mallow, rose and violet extensively in their cooking.

For me any dark chocolate from Peru is good and a 64% provides just enough bitterness without being too strong. A slightly bitter cocoa is the first aroma coming from this bar with a minimal floral hint is wafting about in the background. The crystallised rose petals are crushed and spread throughout the bar. But you wouldn't know it. For all I know they could have been lumps of sugar. Had I tasted this bar blind I wouldn't have known it was crystallised rose they had been using. Which is disappointing.

The dark chocolate is fairly reasonable but the fragrance of the rose is not coming through and therefore this only scores 5/10. Shame. Three bars for £5.00, good value.

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