

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Milk Chocolate - Venezuela 38%

Sadly my eldest son became Chelmsford's latest victim of crime this week hence my lack of blogging. Fortunately, he only suffered minor injuries and is back to his normal bubbly, happy self. Essex Police and my neighbours were brilliant! It just goes to show how vulnerable we all are to attack and I wonder if incidents like this will increase as rising unemployment takes hold? Lets hope the pending cuts to Police services will not impact their ability to protect the community. Ok, enough of the doom and gloom. Let's enjoy some delicious chocolate and soak up that sunshine!

Today we're tasting some more chocolate from Thorntons. Unfortunately, I cannot resist their bright packaging and I just have to buy them, especially as they are such good value for money. Three bars for £5.00 is not to be sniffed at! This particular bar won Bronze for Best Milk Chocolate Bar at the Academy of Chocolate awards in 2009. So we're off to a good start with this bar already. According to the blurb on the back of this bar, "Our award winning Grand Cru Venezuela milk chocolate is made from the finest Criollo cocoa beans".

The Chocolate: According to Thorntons only 5% of the world's chocolate is made from Criollo cocoa beans. I thought it was even less than 5%? Thorntons have an excellent and varied range of blocks available. That allows novice chocoholics, especially those on a budget, to try different chocolates from around the world. Venezuela for producing high quality chocolate and famous Chocolatiers such Willy Harcourt Cooze even have their own cocoa plantations in this country.

This particular bar is bright, shiny and has a good snap! The aroma is a mixture of cocoa and a hint of wood or is that vanilla? I find these aromas difficult to single out sometimes. The milk chocolate melts quickly giving off honey tastes. The texture is silky smooth and the chocolate melts beautifully over your tongue. The cocoa is definitely there but it is a bit subtle and makes the finish seem short. I like my chocolate to have some power behind it but I imagine it will suit a lot of peoples tastes. There are no artificial flavours or colours in this block which is always good to know.

There is nothing wrong with this bar apart from it being a touch sweet for my liking but it is well worth the money and for that reason I award a score of 7/10. I purchased three blocks (70g each) for £5.00. To buy online click here.

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