The boiler has broken! I think it's warmer outside but I'm not going to venture out there to check. Unfortunately, the man who can fix the boiler will not be with me until Tuesday. Thank god this didn't happen a few weeks ago when it was really cold! Oh well with 15 layers of clothing and a bit of typing to keep my fingers moving and the blood flowing. I'm sure blogging will help me forget about the cold for a while. Thanks to everybody who has supplied heaters.
Welcome to the cold World of Chocolate and another offering from Montezuma. Space Hopper a clever and aptly named milk chocolate bar laced with orange oil. According to Simon Pattinson, co-founder, orange oil is usually used with dark chocolate but actually works better with milk chocolate. I haven't always been a fan of orange oil probably because I've never been able to source the right one or manage to perfect the right amount for my own bars.
The Chocolate: Apologies for the picture quality in reality the box is orange rather than blood red orange as my picture seems to suggest. The bar also seems to have received a little bit of damage from it's journey in the post.
This particular chocolate is from Venezuela and has a cocoa content of 43% and milk solids of 19%. The bar is listed in the single origin section of their website but after a little checking I couldn't fine any more information on this particular chocolate apart from a few lines of text. It would be good to know whether this bar of chocolate has been fairly traded as Montezuma talk about this in detail on their packaging and on their website.
The chocolate itself has a great snap and brightness about it even though I've roughed it up somewhere along the line. As you would expect when you open the packaging there is a strong orange aroma with a sweet cocoa hint in the background. No surprises there! What is surprising is that the aroma does not carry through to the chocolate. The orange flavour is very well balanced with the not too sweet milk chocolate. There is an after taste of orange but I didn't find it bitter or off putting.
Overall this is a very palatable bar of chocolate and works really well especially for a Sunday afternoon when watching your favourite film. The price is also amazing at £2.00 for a 100g bar you are getting true value for money. Good chocolate which has been well made and presented. What more could you ask for, 7/10.
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